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Connecting a Nokia 5110 display to the Raspberry Pi

I purchased a cheap Nokia 5110 from Deal Extreme it can display around 5 lines at 14 characters per line, as well as graphics.  I based my program on Andre's C code to write lines of info to the display. Here it is running sample code:

Nokia 5110 Display - Test Text It's pretty much wired up as per his instructions.

I modifed his program to accept 4 lines of text and then display them on the screen.  C programming is not my strong point and at the moment, the program has a few issues, in that it needs four lines (spaces will do), or it will not display anything.  It does what I need it for at the moment.

I have attached the source code and Makefile below.

Makefile746 bytes
nokia5110.c3.21 KB